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Volunteer Applications now

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at SWFL SpaceCon!

There's alot of behind the scenes work that keeps our events running smoothly and volunteers play a big part in making our shows a great experience for everyone!
Make new friends & Have fun
Volunteering for our events is a great chance to make new friends and have fun. 

Gain Work Experience
At SWFL SpaceCon we focus on delivering a great experience for vendors, attendees and our special guests. Build your customer service skills and teamwork skills while volunteering for our show. Your work experience can be used on your resume, and referral letters will be provided upon request after your volunteer service for our show. 

SWFL SpaceCon Goodies
As a volunteer you'll get a SWFL SpaceCon 2024 shirt, admission for the event, and lunch / snacks.  

Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers are subject to a background check.
Friendliness: we are looking for friendly, upbeat helpers
4 hours: We ask that all volunteers help for a minimum of 4 hours
SWFL SpaceCon at heart: please do not sign up to be a volunteer if you are looking for information about how to run a show or have alternate reasons that could be detrimental to our event.
Please reach out to us if you have any concerns or questions.  
Volunteers must be 18+ or accompanied by an adult
Any volunteers under the age of 18 would need parental consent

Volunteer Openings: 
Setup & Event Check-in Before the doors open we have alot of setup to do! Most of the event set up for SWFL SpaceCon is hanging posters/ signs, and banner setups. Vendor check-in may include showing vendors where their table spots are and distributing vendor badges. General event check in duties may also include ticket check-in, greeting attendees, handing out programming guides and providing general event information. * Great for building customer service skills & meeting new people!

Game Demonstrator (Looney Labs Games) * build your teaching & public speaking skills - Demonstrate a selection of Looney Lab games for attendees to play. Read the instructions and teach others to play a variety of Looney Labs card games that will be at the show. Set up games for demoing and make sure all game pieces are put back after use. Games provided are property of SWFL SpaceCon.

Volunteer Photographer *work on those photography skills & build your portfolio! Bring your own camera, Ask for permission before taking photographs of attendees. Any photos taken as a volunteer photographer on behalf of SWFL SpaceCon should be publicly shareable and SWFL SpaceCon would have rights to post and share them without restrictions. Photographer should watermark photos with an appropriate photographers watermark prior to publishing and sharing them if desired so that photographic credit is on the photo. All photos should be family friendly. SWFL SpaceCon photos should be primarily general event photos and group photos

Panel Monitor & A/V Assistant Do you enjoy attending panels/ q&a's and are you good with recognizing and solving problems when they come up? As panel monitor, you would assist with the speaker setups and monitor the panels/ presentations and escalate any situations that come up. Work with the MC show host to ensure the panels run smoothly by showing speakers /panelists how to use the microphone if needed, tryingto fix any sound a/v issues that come up, notify security right away if there are any issue with hecklers or unruly attendees. In between panels you would walk the room and clean up any debris left on the chairs or floor. As a Panel Monitor & A/V assistant, you are helping to ensure the panels run smoothly!  

Game Room Monitor  As Game Room monitor, your primary focus is to drive the entertainment aspect of the game demos and games. You would be encouraging attendees to play games, assisting with vendor game setup and game demo setup when needed, monitor the game demos and make sure that any scheduled game demos start on time as expected and notifying security of any issue that occur. You would assist in keeping the room looking great by cleaning up any debris/ trash that is left behind and notifying hotel staff if any trash bins start to overflow. In the case that there is game demo cancellation due to the game demoer not showing up, you would notify Michelle as soon as possible so that other game arrangements can be made. As a Game Room Monitor, you are helping to ensure the game room runs smoothly!

Vendor Room Monitor  As Vendor Room monitor, your primary focus is to help ensure that the vendor room operations are running smoothly. You would assist in cleaning up any spills or trash in the walkways, making sure the aisles are clear of debris, assist vendors with informational questions as needed, walking the vendor room every 30 minutes and assisting in other duties as needed. You may be asked to assist in watching tables for guests and/or vendors where needed and notifying security of any issue that may occur. As a Vendor Room Monitor, you are helping to ensure the vendor room looks and runs smoothly!     

Can I get a break?  Absolutely! We want our volunteers to have fun and enjoy the event as well. We encourage team work and ask that breaks are communicated so we can make sure there is coverage as needed.
Can I volunteer if I am wearing a costume? Sure! As long as it is family friendly and falls within our event and custome guidelines (no sharp pointy objects, ect), you are welcome to volunteer in your custome. Please be sure to bring a change of clothes though in case it gets too uncomfortable running around in costume. 
Can I get free photos and autographs of the special guests? Please do not ask the special guest for a free autograph or selfie. Occasionally a special guests may offer a free autograph or selfie for our volunteers, we will let you know if any of our guests have that option this year. Please ask us directly before asking the special guest, failure to do so may result in cancellation of volunteer agreement.  
How Can I get a letter of reference after volunteering? Please include in the volunteer comments if you would like a reference letter after the event; or email us at if you like a reference letter after volunteering. Please submit any reference request within 3 months of volunteering. 
Will this count as school volunteer credit? SWFL SpaceCon is a for-profit organization, please reach out to your local school to see if it would qualify for any school volunteer credits. 

Covid Guidelines
Vendor & exhibitor tables will be spaced to allow for more room between vendors. 
Walkway between tables will be additionally spaced to reduce crowding in the walkways. 
Face masks are encouraged but not required, subject to change based on local regulations and CDC regulations

Please note that due to compatibility issues, this application form may not function correctly on a mobile device. Please try the desktop site if you experience any issues with the form.  

SWFL SpaceCon 2024  Volunteer Application
Please note we run background checks on volunteer applicants.
Are you 18+ years old?
What hours can you work?
Which volunteer job would you prefer?
What size shirt would you prefer?
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